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I strongly believe that affection and joy are the powerful driving forces for a successful learning experience and the best way to see a change in behavior. In order to create a strong bond between dogs and their owners, it is essential for each dog to feel loved and as if they are a part of the family. Without this bond, it is very difficult to implement an effective dog education program.

A motivated person and a motivated dog will learn things easily and authentically

My teaching methods are based on love, patience, innate skills and knowledge. My lessons are fun yet effective. I teach with the intention of helping dogs understand the objective of the training exercises and learn how to problem-solve the issues at hand (or paw;)). My goal is to guide families and their dogs in order to understand one another, communicate effectively and have healthy relationships. I’m always available to listen, mediate and support both you and your dog.

My approach to dog education is grounded in the evolution of training techniques with a strong focus on cognitive-emotional training methods. Dogs are deeply emotional; thus, teaching them to properly manage their emotions will subside behaviors such as anxiety, fear and aggression and will help them to lead balanced and happy lives.

The main objective of my program is to help people communicate with their dog so that they can:

Be aware of the importance of educating their dog.

An educated dog is a happy dog!

Better understand their pet’s needs

Identify their emotions and causes of their behavior

Trust their dog’s intelligence

Create a strong bond

Lead to a change in behavior (in both the owner and the dog).

Live joyful lives together as dog and owner

I believe that we have to let the dogs be dogs. We have to understand their needs, environment and genetics. That’s why I assess every case individually and customize each lesson according to the specific dog and family.